We specialises in building websites that work in all platforms (P.C’s, phones, Tablet’s & TV’s), that are capable of being search engine optimised SEO, SEM, and are easily maintained.
Have the Website Builder Cork build your website, your website can be a focal point for your on-line marketing campaigns, it will support marketing videos, PDF’s documentation and will link to your other on-line marketing platforms.
Your online presence is key to your business success, ensure your website works on all media devices:
Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Internet users globally go online via mobile phones, and 29% do so on tablets. Smartphone Web users increased 19% last year to 994 million, while those using tablets grew even faster—up 45% to 450 million. Those are among the main findings from a new Global Web Index study based on a fourth-quarter survey of 170,000 Internet users aged 16 to 65 in 32 markets.
For some business a micro website may be need to focus their products to mobile users, Blarney Web Design will design micro sites to your specification, for more information:-
contact the website builder at 086-3162312 or email info@websitebuildercork.com
Reasons Why Your Business Needs an Online Presence
Giving your small business an online presence means more than simply putting up a little website with your company’s address and phone number. It means setting up a virtual version of your business, with a welcoming, informative website, a Facebook page and Twitter account. In this electronic era, more people search online for the products and services they need as opposed to searching through a phone book. Ignoring this important potential marketing platform is akin to saying, “I don’t need any new business.”